Using convex mirrors in your warehouse or workplace is an inexpensive, efficient way to increase safety, improve security and reduce collisions in high traffic areas. They come in a variety of different styles to fit your specific needs and can be installed easily in just a few minutes.
In many cases, convex mirrors are available for far less than $100 each. Plus, the small monetary investment in purchasing convex mirrors for your workplace can pay enormous dividends later in terms of improved productivity, less theft, and fewer workmen’s compensation claims from resulting from accidents.
Eliminate Blind Spots
Convex mirrors are perfect for eliminating blind spots and promoting a safe work environment. Also known as convex traffic mirrors, they are commonly used in parking garages, warehouse aisles and anywhere else there is likely to be a lot of vehicular traffic. They are also frequently used in retail stores and other commercial businesses to reduce theft and increase visibility for loss prevention personnel.