We all take things for granted. In the materials handling and warehouse supplies industry one of these most important things is our eyes. We walk into the workplace, say your good mornings, get to our workstation and walk right by the safety glasses sitting on the workbench and dive into the task at hand. It’s common. Heck, usually we haven’t a clue that one of our shoes are untied until we almost break our neck’s when we step on the shoelace. However, unlike shoelaces and our feet, by the time we realized we’ve forgotten our safety glasses it’s too late.

It’s a fact that the American Bureau of Labor Statistics have found that almost 90% of eye injuries are the result of falling debris or flying objects like bits off grinders or metal shavings. There’s an estimated 2,000 plus eye injuries in the workplace everyday. That means in some way, shape, or form over 10,000 people each work week are somewhat sightless and that’s probably putting it mildly.
Some workplaces supply safety glasses and have them on hand at all times for their employees. Other facilities require workers to supply their own eye protection. Many will send their employees home if they have forgotten them. Regardless, if the eye protection of choice doesn’t fit properly or doesn’t cover enough for the application then you are still unprotected and extremely vulnerable to an eye injury.