At a number of workplaces, a respirator mask is a mandatory piece of safety equipment. However, at a variety of others it is recommended yet not entirely enforced or used. Unfortunately, ignoring the benefits of using a respirator mask at your job site could pose serious health risks later on down the road. Wearing a respirator mask serves as protection against harmful, airborne contaminants and some pathogens that could cause major injury or illness, especially in workers who are constantly exposed to hazardous materials. Do you honestly need any more incentive?
If so, check out our 10 Examples Why You Need a Respirator, below:
1. Prevents Infection & Contamination
Did you spend time this winter sidelined by a virus or flu? Interesting enough respirators also help prevent the spread of severe viruses like H1N1 and are used by medical personnel who are in close contact with or perform procedures on patients with suspected, probable, or confirmed cases. Respirators are not just limited to blue collar workplaces.
2. Asbestos Protection
Unfortunately, asbestos is still a threat and present in many buildings. During demolition, asbestos can become airborne and may cause mesothelioma, a lung disease for which there is no cure. Yet by wearing a respirator mask you eliminate this concern altogether.
3. Dust & Fumes
Workers in construction and agriculture are often exposed to dust and fumes from road work, pesticides, or fertilizer. Once again, using a respirator reduces your exposure to harmful dust and fumes.
4. Chemical Manufacturing
If you must put a number on it, chemical manufacturing is a category where dangerous vapors and gases are a serious threat to employees. Long-term exposure can cause chronic or severe health problems therefore you shouldn’t ignore the importance of using a respirator mask.
5. Military Effects
Military personnel are not completely immune to various situations and conditions where a respirator mask is necessary to protect soldiers from dust, fumes, vapors and gases.
6. Mining Operations
One of the most obvious examples on the list, miners are frequently exposed to dangerous airborne materials on a daily basis. Unfortunately, miners have suffered for decades due to their lack of knowledge and proper prevention to avoid long-term health risks.
7. Automotive Industry
The automotive industry is constantly exposed to different fumes, vapors, and gases which are harmful to your health. As a result, they often turn to respirator masks when working around vehicles.
8. Pharmaceutical Practices
Employees of the pharmaceutical or chemical research fields often use a respirator mask to avoid certain compounds which may cause illness or damage to one’s well-being.
9. Utility Providers
The nuclear industry is the most obvious, yet just about anyone who deals with electrical utilities should understand the importance of protecting their health by using a respirator.
10. Public Setting
Do not limit the debate simply to employees because frankly anyone who mingles in a public place is exposed to pathogens, allergens, and other airborne viruses detrimental to one’s health. Of course, this is a very conservative example yet still warranted.