Industrial goods go through a great deal of handling and transportation. Using stretch wrap, or stretch film, ensures your valuable products do not become damaged through all the activities that take place between manufacturing and shipment to their destination.
Stretch wrap is an excellent way to keep all of the smaller items needed in a shipment, secure in larger groupings such as on a pallet wrap. There are numerous ways that it is superior in its effectiveness in securing large numbers of individual products compared to other methods such as shrink wrap, straps, tapes or glue. Stretch wrap provides higher productivity for those who package shipments through its ease-of-use, and because it won’t require additional packaging to be put in place. It has the highest load holding capability of any packaging material. That means your products will remain safe and secure during storage and transportation, reducing your costs by avoiding damaged items. It is also a great way to lower your freight costs, because you are able to group many items securely together in easy-to-move larger units.
Some of the other benefits of stretch wrap include its versatility – no matter what size your product load, it can easily fit around it. You don’t have to worry about changing load sizes – stretch wrap fits all sizes and shapes. It is also excellent at protecting your more valuable products by keeping them covered, so dirt and other contaminants can’t get in. Stretch wrap is also safe because it won’t adhere to your materials, or damage them in any way. You can easily see through stretch wrap, so you know at all times exactly what products are in any given load. It also helps improve your warehouse’s inventory control because goods are not left out in the open, easily accessible, or susceptible to damage or loss. It is a method of packaging that works with almost any automated system for product handling and improves efficiency.
Most industrial stretch film is available in cages ranging from 0.6 – 3.0 mil. The width of machine wrap is typically between 10 to 70 inches. Hand wrap ranges between 10 to 18 inches and convenience wrap is generally available from 2 to 20 inches wide. By measuring load force in advance, you can save costs by simply wrapping with the appropriate strength and amount of stretch wrap. That way you will know your loads are secure, while your costs remain under control.
The next time you are looking to package your valuable products for storage and shipping, be sure to use stretch wrap to protect them, improve your inventory control, and enhance material handling efficiency. It should be an essential component of your packaging supplies.
About the Author
Bahrns Equipment specializes in industrial equipment for industrial needs, such as forklifts, packaging and material handling. Visit the company online at www.bahrns.com to learn more about what they offer, and see how they can become your industrial supplier of choice.
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