So we’ve covered what type of stretch film machines are available. However, there’s a couple types stretching systems that are used on stretch film machines.
There is a Force to Load system which involves the unwinding of the stretch film roll being braked and restricted in a manner, stretching the film between the stretch film roll and the rotating load. A stretch percentage of anywhere from 50% to 100% on average.
The Power Pre-Stretch variety stretches and unwinds the film between two rollers. Each roller rotates at a different rate in the film carriage prior to meeting the load. With a Power Pre-Stretch type machine the stretch percentage can be anywhere from 150% to 300% on average.
If you have any questions regarding Stretch Wrap Machines please call Bahrns Equipment, Inc. at 800-432-2909 or email us. We will be more than happy to assist you.