Picnic table is definitely the most popular outdoor furniture today. Picnic tables usually come with set of chairs and are made with wood, iron, steel, plastic, aluminum or combination.
Picnic tables can be seen in almost every backyard or in restaurants that offer outdoor sitting. Most picnic tables are rectangular in shape, simply because this type of outdoor furniture is most commonly use for family gathering. Therefore it must provide a bigger space for all family members. Although there are also square and round picnic tables which are ideal for smaller group of people.
Nowadays, more people prefer picnic tables that are made with wood, plastic and aluminum over those that are made with wrought iron. This is because these types of picnic tables are cheaper and more portable. They also offer sleeker, more economical and modern design. These tables feature protective coating to prevent the materials from weathering, rust and corrosion. Most tables come unassembled but you don’t have to worry because these tables are easy to assemble and comes with instruction manual.