Outdoor furniture is a household fixture that is made specifically for outdoor use. It is also called as garden furniture or patio furniture. This type of furniture is mostly made with weather-proof materials which can stand direct sunlight, as well as rain and moisture exposure. Common materials that are used in making outdoor furniture are wrought iron, aluminum, plastic, teak, wicker, heavy-duty steel and hardwood. These materials are then coated with protective finishing such as varnish, enamel, plastic glaze and synthetic resin.
Most common outdoor furniture are benches, picnic tables, outdoor ashtray, smokers pole and receptacle. These furnishings are perfect for spacious lawns, patios and gardens. Outdoor furniture adds a touch of luxury to any outdoor spaces. It also serves as a useful fixture for family gathering or a simple meal outdoor with your loved one.
Best selling outdoor furniture are manufactured by Prairie View Industries, Petersen, Ex-Cell, JustRite Elite, Rubbermaid and Southern Aluminum.