Despite the ongoing tensions in Eastern Europe, the logistics industry in Russia is poised for growth. Evidence is apparent with the emergence of CeMAT Russia, a logistics trade show scheduled for October that already has 168 participants lined up who hail from 15 different countries. Nearly 5,000 visitors are expected to view the numerous exhibitions that represent the latest trends and developments in material handling in Central and Eastern Europe. Applications for additional exhibitors are currently being accepted, as are invitations to visit.

Perhaps the most significant evidence of the lure of Russian logistics opportunities is the recent, major investment in Russia by Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE), a subsidiary of Toyota Motors. TMHE formed OOO Toyota Material Handling Rus last fall, with the opening of its new headquarters in Moscow in late September of 2013. The company will be a major presenter at CeMAT Russia this year.
Like most major corporate investments in Russia these days, the new company is closely partnered with existing, established firms that have maintained the favor of the Russian government-in the case of OOO Toyota Material Handling Rus, the major partners are Tsusho Tekhnika and Sumitec International. Both of these firms also have Japanese ties and have established relationships with Toyota. The firms became well established as official distributors of heavy equipment, much of it for raw material handling in mines as well as in oil and gas fields in the resource-rich Russian Federation.
Now Toyota seeks to build its presence in the arena of lighter logistics equipment-every type that is used inside warehouses

The company’s director, Hans Gehlin, has set goals for the company that are similar to the goals of any global material handling firm-he says the firm will seek to drive down logistics costs in Russia and the surrounding region and thereby provide the best service possible to their customers. News headlines show no sign of withered confidence in the company’s success even as tensions mount between the Russian Federation and neighboring Ukraine, where Sumitec International maintains a powerful presence.