Company parties offer the opportunity for people who spend most of the work days together to finally get together, relax, and socialize a little. They can be either a welcome respite to the day-to-day grind … or the chance for somebody to make such a spectacle of themselves that everybody else will be talking about them for the rest of the year.
Don’t Be ‘That Guy’
Practically every holiday party, there’s usually at least one person who takes the celebrating a little too far and ends up embarrassing themselves in front of the co-workers. Not only is making bad choices at the annual company holiday party humiliating, it also can be costly.
Saying the wrong thing, insulting another employee — or worse yet, your boss — or criticizing the company or a co-worker can result in your sitting in the Human Resources hot seat the following Monday morning. Bad behavior at a company-sponsored social event can even cost you your job.
Holiday Parties Are Still ‘Work’
Rather than considering the company holiday party as an opportunity to drink with your co-workers, a better approach is to think of it as just another work function, much like attending a meeting or conference.
While you can socialize and have fun, keep in mind that you are still in your place of employment — even if the party is held off-site. So all the rules and regulations that apply during normal business hours are still in effect.
Even worse, all eyes will be on you if you misbehave or say the wrong thing. And thanks to the prevalence of smartphones, it probably will be videotaped and shared as well!
Drink Socially or Not at All
If alcohol is being served, it’s a good idea to limit yourself to one drink. If you don’t think you can stop after one due to social pressure or a lack of self-control, don’t drink at all.
Here’s a trick that can help you blend in during social occasions where other people are drinking but you don’t want to drink: Go to the bar and order a “tonic rocks with a twist of lime”. This will be served in a rocks glass that looks exactly like a cocktail, but actually is just tonic water over ice with a lime wedge tossed into it.
If shots are being poured, your best strategy is to not walk but run in the other direction. If they are inescapable and you can’t beg off, rather than drinking it, throw the shot over your shoulder or into a nearby potted plant as everybody else is drinking theirs.
Not ‘Sexy Time’
When the liquor is flowing at holiday parties, it’s not unusual for libidos to be loosened as well. Attractions that have been simmering on the back burn all year long can suddenly boil over.
Holiday office parties are the absolute wrong time and place to express your romantic interest in one of your co-workers (especially if either of you is married or committed to somebody else). Instead, be polite, friendly … and chaste.
Surviving an office holiday party unscathed isn’t always easy. There’s often a lot of pressure to let loose and have a great time. But at least you can go back to work the following Monday with your head held high.