Oftentimes, purchasing decisions are based on efficiency. On one level that makes sense. Most businesses are highly competitive, so anything you can do to reduce costs while improving efficiency can boost both the bottom line and your competitive edge.
Yet sometimes it makes sense to spend money on things that can indirectly enhance your advantage.
Planters Improve Appearance
This spring, consider creating a line item in your business budget for environmental improvements to your business’s physical plant, including outdoor planters.
Planters let you create beautiful floral displays, shrubs, or other plants that can enhance the appearance of your business. If you own a retail business, they can attract more customers by making your business more attractive. They come in every possible size and are mobile so they can be placed wherever they best serve your needs.
But even industrial, manufacturing, or warehouse/storage businesses can benefit from planters.
Planters Enhance Productivity
Businesses that use planters to improve the appearance of their workplace often find that productivity increases. Nobody wants to work in a drab, depressing environment that is designed solely for maximum productivity.
It’s human nature to desire a little color, light, and decoration in your environment. Planters can provide these things and more at an affordable cost. Plus, they can be changed out with different plantings depending on the season.
Planters Reduce Turnover
While improving the look and feel of your business offers indirect benefits to the bottom line, planters also can have a direct effect on profits.
Creating a comfortable, familiar workplace for your employers by situating planters throughout your business can make people feel better about working there. And when workers feel happy at your business, they are more likely to stick around longer, work harder, and be satisfied in their work.
Happy workers are more productive workers. Plus, the more you can reduce turnover, the lower your hiring and training costs will be. And it’s all thanks to the placement of decorative planters within your workplace.
Getting Workers Involved
Another way to improve morale is to give employees a voice in what gets planted in your planters. Form a committee, ask for volunteers, or even host a decorating contest. A simple distraction like planting flowers or shrubs in your planter can go a long way toward creating loyalty bonds between your employees and your business.
So outdoor planters are much more just a decorative expense. They can actually improve your business’s efficiency, employee morale, and your bottom line.