A Pennsylvania company has created a faster, easier and more reliable way to print labels directly onto packages automatically to help companies better service their e-commerce customers.
FOX IV Technologies, based in Export, Pennsylvania, recently introduced its new TwinPrint and Apply label printer and applicator that takes the manual labor out of labeling packages and including packing slips into outgoing packages.
Two-Sided PrintingÂ
The machine uses two-sided printing technology to instantly print and apply labels to packages as they are moving down an assembly line or outgoing mail line. the TwinPrint Print and Apply printer lets businesses print and automatically apply a thermal label without human hands ever having to touch the package.
Right now, about 95% of all businesses apply labels and packing slips manually, according to Rick Fox, the company’s president and CEO. In many cases, warehouse workers are required to either place an 8-1/2″ X 11″ packing slip into the box or fold it into quarters and insert it into a plastic, adhesive-backed sleeve that has to be manually affixed to the container.
But with companies looking for ways to speed up the shipping process in order to respond to the increasing demands of e-commerce business, this process simply slows down the process and takes too long.
Facilitates Easier Returns
One potential benefit of applying labels with printing on both the front and back sides is that the outward facing portion of the label can contain the address where the package is being shipped and the reverse side can contain the return address of the company shipping the package. This facilitates simpler returns.
If a package has to be sent back to the original sender, the recipient can simply peel off the label, turn it around, and re-apply it to the package.
Other Uses of TwinPrint Labeling
The TwinPrint Print and Appy printer also can be used for printing shipping information on adhesive labels, print packing slips, promotional pieces and many other stickers that can be applied to packages automatically.
There’s also less waste because the printers eliminate the disposal of used thermal transfer ribbons and ribbon cores. There’s also up to 60% less label liner waste when compared to traditional labeling systems. Plus, there’s no longer any need for adhesive-backed packing slip envelopes, which often are made from petroleum-based plastics.
All Packages Use One Outbound Line
The TwinPrint Print and Apply printer has the ability to differentiate between types of packages, so all outbound containers can be sent down one line, rather than separating promotional pieces and packages with packing slip envelopes.
Plus, there’s better privacy for the package’s recipients. When printing labels and packing slips are printed with a traditional printer, the ribbon contains a carbon copy of the customer’s data. But the TwinPrint printer prints directly onto the label, so there’s never any risk that the data can be stolen by reading the used thermal transfer ribbon.
There’s also less downtime because the printing system never has to be taken offline to replace a printing cartridge, unlike traditional printers. Only the label roll needs to be changed.
As production speeds and customers demand to get their packages faster and more securely, more businesses will be turning to tools like the TwinPrint Print and Apply printer to increase the speed, efficiency and security of their outbound package operations.