Bishamon’s vision statement says it all; “At Bishamon, We’re Working Harder to Make Your Life Easier”. Bishamon makes equipment that not only benefit the company who’s purchasing the product, but markets more so directly towards the employee operating the equipment. It’s an extremely clever tag, but when you look at their equipment you begin to believe that the their statement is not only genuine, but completely sincere.
Bishamon Scissors Lift Tables are just one of many ergonomic products they produce.
Now please don’t roll your eyes and say; “whatever pal.” Yes, many companies look for that great statement or tag line to catch the ear and sell product and no disrespect towards any companies that are dedicated to making a great product and in turn make a profit. It’s what we all go into business for. Regardless if you are a competitor in the business world with anyone, when a statement like that is seen and the the company’s product has put it’s money where its mouth is, so to speak, you’ve got to admire it.