Handling drums can be one of the most aggravating tasks, sometimes to the point of making one madder than a hornet. How many times have you tilted a drum to roll it from one area to another only to have the bottom slip causing you to lose grip and drop on your toes or pop open and spill? First it’s the excruciating pain screaming from your feet then to add insult to injury you get to clean up the nasty mess yourself. I’ve been witness and victim to some real doozies regarding drum handling.
MECO Standard Drum Truck is just one of many types of drum handlers available.
Let’s just see if you have been witness or apart of these two beauties. 1. Lifting a drum upright by scooting it onto the forks of a fork lift. Uh, hey bub, there’s usually bumps somewhere down the line and what about stopping? Yeah, better have some rags or a spill unit with you. 2. Laying the drum over on the forks. Good luck with that! If you have any experience on a forklift you should know by now that forks shift while the forklift is moving. With a drum in the aforementioned position, most of the weight is where the drum is not supported. The forks angle to both sides and the drum either slides off or worse yet, drops straight down to the floor. Not a pretty sight at all.
Point is, either way you slice it, unless you have some sort of drum handlers on hand there’s always some kind of mess awaiting you in the very near future.