The “Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association” or CEMA basing on their accumulated data, relayed that their scheduled orders for February 2012 amazingly increased by 24.8% in comparison to their bookings last February 2011.
CEMA also sized up their February 2012 bookings with their orders on January 2012, and it also definitely went up by 13.2%.
Though it might be looking good for the conveyor bookings, orders for the Bulk Handling Equipment are not doing quite as well. The Unit Handling Equipment orders on the other hand, increased to 31% in February compared to the month of January.
The over-all Invoiced Sales for the shipments of Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA) magnified by 4.5% this year compared to their February 2011 sales.
The sales though, were down by 1.0% on February 2012 in comparison to January 2012.
The Invoiced Sales on February for Bulk Handling Equipment increased for about 1.0%, and for the Unit Handling Equipment it decreased to 2.0% in comparison to the month of January.