White & Company, headed up by Dr. Marshall White, recently began selling Best Pallet – a software program for stringer pallet design and structural analysis. The software can help supply chain owners avoid workplace safety issues and in minimizing product damage resulting from poor pallet design.
Dr. White, a former professor and director of Virginia Tech’s Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design, is the president of the software development, research and consulting company (founded in 2007). He and his team of experts have developed Best Pallet’s three-dimensional mathematical model based on over 30 years of research on the scientific principles of wood properties and systems-based design.
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Best Pallet’s features include finite element structural analysis techniques and engineering fundamentals combined with years of laboratory and field testing, all wrapped up by a straight-forward graphical user interface. When a user inputs pallet descriptions and handling environment info, the software calculates and displays estimates of pallet strength and deformation.
“The response from our free trial version has been extremely positive,” White said on his company website. “Ease of use and the design capabilities also have gotten high marks.” There is also a very informative seven-minute video demonstration of Best Pallet online at www.whiteandcompany.net/best-pallet.html
“We have also had considerable interest in the software from the international community. The ability to convert measurements from U.S. standard to metric and back has definite appeal in pallet design globally,” White added. “Optimizing pallet design requires detailed knowledge of the demands of each unique system from production line through distribution, storage, and retail display. Best Pallet gives packaging professionals, buyers, end users and pallet manufacturers the ability to participate in the optimization process.”
Best Pallet is available for annual lease, with updates and tech support included, and discounts are offered for multiple licenses. Licensees will own all pallet designs they produce indefinitely whether or not they renew.