With spring on the way, it’s time to begin thinking about your lawn and garden. As all gardeners know, the first step is to till the ground. As soon as the danger of a hard freeze has passed, you can begin your tilling project.
For many gardeners, it’s a great idea to start with a plan. What will you grow this year? If you have unlimited space, then you can plant melons and squash. These plants need space so their vines can run. They are not suitable for a small garden area. Most gardeners plant tomatoes. This a delicious and versatile vegetable but there are many varieties. Look for varieties that grow well in your area. Try some new and different vegetables this year, such as arugula, snow peas and carrots.

How to begin
When it comes to gardening, there are lots of tips that can make things go easier and faster. Be sure to select a garden area that is away from foot traffic. Kubota has mowers and tractors for all size lawns. You can get something specific for your needs and that will minimize your hard work. Let your equipment do the work for you.
Till an area that is about 10% beyond the garden size you’ve chosen. It’s better to till too large an area than too small. Purchase a general vegetable fertilizer that can be tilled into the soil during this process. That way, you can get the tilling and fertilizing done in one step.
Once you’ve planted your seeds or seedlings, you’ll want to somehow fence the area off to prevent animals and people from trampling your garden. If you’re handy with power tools, it’s easy to build an enclosure for your garden out of treated wood. If not, you’ll find many different types of flower bed fencing at your local hardware store.
Go biodegradable
Plant your seeds or seedlings according to the recommended methods. If you would like to start your seeds early and save some cash, it’s so easy to do this. Buy good quality seeds, then several bags of excellent potting soil. Styrofoam cups are a favorite for planting your seeds but they aren’t biodegradable.
Some gardeners like to use empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls. Fill them with potting soil, plant the seed, then cover and water it. These can be lined up in rows in a cardboard box or box lid. The beauty of using these is that they can be placed directly into the soil. The wet paper roll will easily disintegrate into the soil.
Keep your garden area moist until the plants begin to form leaves and take shape, then water weekly depending on your area of the country.
Try Bahrns Equipment
Bahrns.com has all the equipment you need to tend your lawn and garden. Make the work light and easy with Toro, Briggs & Stratton and other find brands from Bahrns.
How to Start a Garden From Scratch (thespruce.com)
21 Spring Vegetable Garden Plants Perfect For Spring Growing Season (gardenseason.com)