Safely Lift and Transport Heavy Loads Indoors with an Electric Rider – Part 4


Electric riders are perfect for indoor warehouse operations.

Electric Rider Operational Time

An electric rider can operate non-stop for six to eight hours — long enough to last one work shift. Afterwards, the batteries need to be replaced or recharged. The batteries can be recharged overnight and the forklift will be fully operational for another day’s work in the morning.

It is nonetheless a good idea to keep a spare battery to ensure that your manufacturing and business operations are not halted. You never know when you may need to work extended hours.

Electric riders are available in 36V and 48V configurations. A 48V electric rider is quicker but also drains batteries faster. A few electric riders have 80V systems.

Compared to other forklifts, the electric rider is relatively affordable to maintain and operate. This makes the electric rider a great and economical addition to businesses with warehouse operations and those that deal with materials handling, construction and other industrial activities.