The Key to Avoiding Workplace Accidents? Prevention.

The US Occupational Health and Safety Administration was created by the Workplace Safety Act passed by the US Congress and signed into law by then-President Richard Nixon in 1970. Since then, the agency has investigated thousands of workplace accidents and helped reduce workplace deaths by 62% and employee injuries by 42%. As a result of … Read more

Promoting Safe Warehouse Operations Helps the Bottom Line

Warehouses, manufacturing facilities and other material handling operations are busy places. There are constantly vehicles and people moving around, often sharing the same space. If proper warehouse safety protocols aren’t in place, it can easily lead to an accident which can cause lost product, property damage, personal injury or even death. If there’s a serious … Read more

International Materials Handling Trade Fair Draws 53,000 Visitors

CeMAT, Europe’s largest materials handling trade fair, drew an estimated 53,000 visitors from 65 nations when it was held last month in Hanover, Germany. More than 4,000 innovations were showcased during the event. Dr. Andreas Gruchow, a member of the trade fair’s organizing board, said CeMat officials were pleased with the success of this year’s … Read more

Forklift, Tractors And Secret Files Abandoned at Shuttered Facility

Questions are being raised as to why the Illinois Department of Human Services left behind a forklift and a tractor — as well as confidential patient and employee records and other items — when it shut down three mental health facilities due to funding cutbacks in 2012. The revelations came to light as part of … Read more

Top Forklift Safety Rules for Warehouses and Factories

Forklifts are an essential piece of equipment for practically every warehouse, manufacturing facility and other businesses today. These durable, hard-working vehicles provide one of the fastest, most efficient and cost-effective ways to keep business running productively and profitably. Yet forklifts are also enormously powerful and extremely heavy. When they aren’t used properly and with the … Read more

Attendance At Annual Rental Trade Show on the Rise

Attendance at The Rental Show, the annual rental industry trade show held in Orlando earlier this year, was up nearly 5% over the previous year, according to statistics recently released by show organizers. More than 675 exhibitors participated in this year’s show, a 10% increase over the previous year. There were 80 new companies represented … Read more

Politics Holding Up Passage of the Transportation Bill

Like the countdown on a ticking time bomb in the latest Hollywood blockbuster, time is running out for US transportation infrastructure funding. Yet political bickering in Washington, D.C., is preventing a new funding bill from riding to the rescue and some lawmakers are openly wondering if the hero will  save the day this time. In … Read more

Eight Trends that Help Transportation Management Systems Lower Costs

In response to rising costs and a sluggish economic recovery, a growing number of freight carriers are turning to Transportation Management Systems to move freight from origin to destination more quickly, reliably and cheaply. TMS includes both planning and execution systems for freight moves involving carriers and fleet management solutions for freight moves involving company-owned … Read more

Trucking the Slowest Mode to Recover from the Great Recession

While rail transport is enjoying a rebound and cargo ports prepare for more activity following the expansion and widening of the Panama Canal later this year, over the road trucking continues to gain traction. And some industry observers question whether it can grow fast enough to keep up with rising operating costs. Since the Great … Read more