Truckers on Track for Increased Volume through Year’s End

Statistics released last week by FTR, a freight transportation consulting group, indicate that trucking will continue to see an upswing as the transport mode of choice over cargo container, air and rail freight. While the Trucking Conditions Index (TCI) was down two points to 5.91 in April — the most recent month for which data … Read more

Fruit Sellers, Others Turn to Plywood Containers

Now that summer has finally arrived, farmer’s markets are popping up in communities coast to coast. At these weekly marketplaces, consumers can gain access to fruit and produce that is at its absolute freshest. In many cases, the produce available for purchase has been harvested that same day. Transporting delicate fruits and vegetables to market … Read more

Plastics Maker Myers Buys Toronto-based Scepter Corp.

Myers Industries Inc. — the Akron, Ohio, based manufacturer of plastic rotation-molded fuel tanks — recently acquired Scepter Corp., which makes blow molded fuel tanks for marine, consumer, military and industrial markets, for $165 million. The acquisition allows Myer to expand its material handling segment to include the types of crates, recycling containers, ammunition boxes … Read more

New Rack Designed to Withstand Earthquakes, Impacts

A company that makes storage racks has teamed with a tube manufacturer to create a new type of rack that is designed to withstand earthquakes and heavy impacts from forklifts without spilling the products that are stored on it. Hannibal Industries and Twinlode Corp. unveiled the new Gen 2 racking product during the Modex materials … Read more

Forklift Safety Not Just a Good Idea, It’s the Law

Each year, thousands of people are injured and even killed while operating or working near forklifts. That’s why it’s essential that forklift safety needs to be a top priority for any business. That forklift safety statistics are staggering: Each year in the US, about 20,000 workers suffer serious injuries as a result of working with … Read more

Orbis Breaks Ground on New Manufacturing Plant in Mexico

Orbis Corporation — the maker of reusable packaging including plastic pallets and other materials handling equipment — has broken ground on a new manufacturing facility located in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. The plant will be located in the city of Silao, which is about 250 miles northwest of Mexico City. Construction began in early … Read more