Trucking Capacity Remains Tight But Congestion Easing

A new study of the nation’s over-the-road trucking capacity concluded that while trucking freight is still tight, it’s not quite as bad as it was earlier in the year. The Shippers Condition Index (SCI) — which is compiled by FTR, a freight transportation consulting group — measures all market influences that affect shippers. A reading … Read more

Electronic Logging Devices Backed by Trucking Group

The American Trucking Associations recently called on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to require that electronic logging devices be used to record drivers’ hours of service. In the ATA’s comments, which were filed with the FMCSA last month, the group argued that the devices were necessary to protect the safety of the nation’s highway … Read more

Retailers Fear Supply Chain Unprepared for Omni-Channel Shopping

Traditional retail organizations have relatively predictable supply chain flow: Boost your inventories before anticipated busy seasons and keep it minimal during slower periods. But the rise in omni-channel shopping — in which customers can order products from their mobile devices, clients could be located anywhere in the world, and other modern retailing realities — has … Read more

‘Ergobot’ to Handle Packing Tasks Too Tough for Humans

Motion Controls Robotics has teamed with Combi Packaging Systems to create a new automated case packing product called the Ergobot. The robot is an automated version of Combi’s Ergopack ergonomic hand packing station. Motion Controls  Robotics applied its expertise in robotic packaging, case packing and palletizing to expand the ability of both companies to fully … Read more

Auto Industry Could Be Hurt Worst by West Coast Dock Shutdown

Auto and auto parts imports from Asia could be seriously effected if West Coast dock workers and management can’t come to an agreement on a new contract soon. The existing contract between the International Longshore  Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association expired July 1. The two sides have been trying to iron out a … Read more

Small Packaging Means Big Honors for Staples

The expression “Good things come in small packages” is holding true for the office supplies chain Staples. The company was recently awarded the Gold Sustainability top honor from the World Packaging Organization for its innovative program to customize the size of the packages it ships to its customers. The program, called Smart-Size Packaging, has resulted … Read more

Calling All Robots, Calling All Robots …

The Robotics Industries Association will host its annual International Collaborative Robots Workshop on September 30 at the San Jose Convention Center. This year’s workshop will focus on advancements in the field or robotics, with special emphasis on collaborative robot technology, applications, safety implications and human impacts. RIA president Jeff Burnstein said the conference is a … Read more

Report: Executives Remain Bullish on US Economy

For the second consecutive quarter, optimism about the nations’s economic outlook among US business leaders continued to rise, according to a recent survey conducted by the consulting firm  Grant  Thornton. In the second quarter of 2014 optimism among US business leaders rose 8% to a net balance of 74%, the highest its been since 2004. The … Read more