West Coast Port Traffic Slows as Labor Uncertainly Continues

The amount of cargo moving through the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach was down slightly in July as retailers braced for a possible strike by dockworkers this fall. The ports were bustling in May and June as retailers rushed to shore up their inventories in preparation for back-to-school shopping. But by July, the … Read more

Frommelt Safety Is Out; Rite-Hite Machine Guarding Is In

Starting next week, the company known as Frommelt Safety Products will be known officially as Rite-Hite Machine Guarding. Company officials said the name change is part of an overall initiative to further strengthen and focus the Rite-Hite brand, which owns the Frommelt Safety Products line. While the name will change, the product line will remain … Read more

Robots Continue their Quest for World Domination

The North American robotics industry showed its largest growth ever during the first half of this year, according to statistics released recently by the Robotic Industries Association. A record 14,135 robots, worth $788 million, were ordered from North American robotics firms from January until June. That’s an increase of 30% in units and 16% in … Read more

Moving Rollers, Conveyors Present Hazards to Workers

The conveyor belts and rollers that make production lines and manufacturing facilities run efficiently also present a potential to hazard to workers. Even slow-moving conveyors or rollers can catch clothing, fingers and even limbs inside their moving parts, often resulting in crushing or mangling injuries. But a UK engineering firm has designed a new roller … Read more

Videos show forklift accidents any new driver can have

We all think accidents will be something that happens to someone else. We all know that doesn’t have to be the case. Any new driver can have an accident. So can a veteran driver who is careless, who doesn’t pay attention to obstacles or is simply going too fast. Common sense forklift operation ought to … Read more

Comic relief for forklift safety training? Check out these fun videos of kids stealing a lift truck

Safety trainers may differ on how to effectively engage the operators and keep their attention during classroom training. Comic relief in safety training can not only lighten the mood, but also give the operators some useful perspective. Some video clips from various movies show some great examples of how not to use equipment such as … Read more

Driver Shortage Causing Concern among Trucking Companies

The number of truck drivers in the US is rapidly diminishing, which is causing some trucking companies to consider something they have long avoided: Paying higher wages. Some of the nation’s biggest trucking firms — including Swift Transportation, Con-way Truckload and US Xpress — are offering higher wages in an effort to secure more new … Read more