Efficient Waste Removal Can Improve Productivity and Safety

Every workplace generates trash. Some of this garbage is industrial waste that is a byproduct of the manufacturing process while others are just normal trash typically produced by human workers. In both instances, in order to maintain a safe and comfortable workspace, trash must be removed on a regular basis. Generally, this will be done … Read more

Amazon Introduces Robots and High Tech to Warehouse Operations

The leader in eCommerce is making a wave in warehouse efficiency. Amazon.com has been opening up new fulfillment centers at a brisk pace and introducing robots and other high technology features to make their operations more efficient. One example is the warehouse center in Tracy, California. There are about 1,500 full-time laborers working in 1.2 … Read more

Why the Sudden Expansion of Canals and Ports?

Editor’s Note: In today’s Thursday Feature, we look at the reasons behind the recent multi-billion expansions of the Suez and Panama canals and how they could ultimately affect the ordinary consumer. The Suez Canal is in the middle of a $6.8 billion expansion project that will nearly double its capacity and allow super oil tankers … Read more

Temporary Walls and Doors Offer Versatility, Affordability

The Second Harvest Food Bank, in Springfield, Ohio, is manned mostly by volunteers. But executive director Keith Williamson was having a hard time retaining unpaid workers because of conditions at the charity’s warehouse. Because of the 58,000 square foot warehouse’s open floor plan, volunteers packing boxes of food to be distributed to the area’s needy … Read more

Hard Facts You Need to Know about Hard Hats

Hard hats are standard personal protective equipment that are required to be worn in most construction sites, as well as many other industrial settings. They usually are made of a high-impact plastic material and are designed to absorb most of the force should something collide with your head. They are responsible for many avoided injuries, … Read more

7 Problems Only Cold Storage Warehouses Have

Editor’s Note: In today’s Thursday Feature, we take a look at the unique problems faced by cold storage warehouses, and how technological improvements are providing new solutions. Cold storage warehouses are used to store more than $200 billion worth of refrigerated and frozen food products each year. But they also are commonly used in the … Read more

Furnishing Your Break Room to Optimize Worker Satisfaction

Providing a clean, modern and attractive break room is one of the easiest ways to improve employee morale and boost job satisfaction. It also can reduce employee turnover and the associated costs of hiring new workers. Break rooms are more than simply a place for your employees to eat during their lunch break. They can … Read more

Warehouse Automation: To Drone Or Not To Drone

Ever since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, appeared on the CBS television show 60 Minutes in December 2013 showing off the feasibility of drones as a way to deliver packages to Amazon customers, the country has become infatuated with the flying gadgets. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the U.S. government agency that supervises the use … Read more