Robotics Market Off to Its Fastest Start Ever in 2015

If it seems like there are more robotics being used in manufacturing and industry today, that’s because there are. According to new statistics released by the Robotics Industries Association, the North American robotics market is off to its fastest start ever in 2015. A record 14, 232 robots valued at more than $840 million were … Read more

Rent or Buy: A Five-Step Analysis

(Editor’s Note: In today’s Thursday Feature, we look at the age old question that comes with the use of heavy equipment: Should you rent or buy?) When it comes to improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of big jobs in warehousing and manufacturing, there’s no substitute for heavy equipment such as forklifts, front end loaders, power … Read more

Nike Opens Its Largest Distribution Center in Memphis

The city of Memphis is known for the authentic blues, great barbecue … and basketball shoes? Nike — the Portland, Oregon, based maker of sports footwear — recently expanded its distribution center in Memphis to a sprawling 2.8 million square feet, making it the biggest Nike DC on the planet. The interior of the updated facility … Read more

Safety Needs to Come First When Moving Heavy Objects

(Editor’s Note: In this week’s Thursday Feature, we take an in-depth look at the most efficient way to do something most companies do every day … loading and unloading truck beds and cargo containers) Not every heavy load requires you to use specialized equipment such as a forklift, power jack, or manual jack to move … Read more

How Can Industrial Noise Lead to Hearing Loss?

You don’t have to be a rock star or work underneath jetliners to have your hearing affected by loud noises. Even factory workers and warehouse employees can suffer from noise-induced hearing loss or NIHL. Loud industrial noises can affect your hearing over time or a single incident can cause immediate damage. Sometimes the hearing loss … Read more

UPS Buys Chicago-based Coyote Logistics for $1.8 Billion

UPS announced Friday that it will acquire Chicago-based Coyote Logistics for $1.8 billion. The move gives UPS new service offerings in the freight brokerage business at a time when the company has been struggling to maintain its profitability and reduce its costs in package delivery. Coyote Logistics’ technology that allows customers to book and sell … Read more

Amazing Benefits of Using Stretch Wrap to Protect Loads and Products

When you think about it, stretch wrap is actually pretty amazing. Hand and machine stretch wrap is one of the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective ways to protect products and loads for storage and transportation. It can be applied in just a few seconds and removed just as quickly. Stretch wrap — also known as … Read more