Texas Man Charged after Reportedly Selling Rented Forklift to Business Owner

A 50-year-old  Texas man is behind bars after he apparently rented a forklift from an industrial supply company then turned around and sold it to another company for $3,300. The incident occurred in Angelina County, in east Texas. According to police, Robert J. Duncan, of Lufkin, Texas, rented a Toyota forklift from Hugg & Hall … Read more

Hiring Forklift Drivers – Part II: Sourcing, Interviewing, and training Candidates

In my first installment of Hiring Forklift Drivers – Part I: Targeting the Right Candidate, I discussed the process of targeting applicants such as identifying and seeking applications from experienced, skilled forklift operators. In Part II I will discuss how you can identify possible forklift operators from a reservoir of skilled individuals who have no … Read more

‘Computer: Load the Trucks in Bay A and Send Them to Toledo’

Now automated material handling processes in manufacturing facilities and warehouses can be controlled by voice commands, rather than being handled manually or by running complicated computer programs on a PC or laptop. New technology introduced recently by AccuSpeechMobile and Printronix utilizes global voice productivity and automation solutions to streamline production operations, warehousing and distribution of … Read more

‘So How Does Stretch Wrap Work, Anyway?’

Stretch wrap is something that is widely used both in industry and at home. It is used for everything from wrapping stacks of products piled onto a pallet so that they remain intact during transport to preserving and extending the life of a bowl of chicken salad that will be stored in your refrigerator. But … Read more

Hiring Forklift Drivers – Part I: Targeting the Right Candidate

The most important, if not one of the most important jobs of a warehouse manager or human resources director is to hire forklift drivers. It is essential that people with the proper skills and appropriate experience is considered and ultimately selected for the job. The process of finding a competent forklift driver involves three elements … Read more

One-Third of States Raise Taxes, Fees to Fund Infrastructure Improvements

Apparently fed up with Congress’s unwillingness to increase fuel taxes to fund highway infrastructure improvements, about a third of all states this year have gone ahead and done it themselves. According to a survey by the Associated Press, nearly 16 states have raised their fuel taxes or incorporated other types of levies to help cover … Read more

Choosing The Right Pallet Racks

Pallets are a necessity for the proper operation of a warehouse. So it is paramount that these tools are protected from damage. Various forms of pallet racks achieve this. Racks are usually columns that are structurally supported by beams and include multiple levels of shelves and a wire mesh deck that supports the pallets that … Read more