Mobile Technology on the Rise in Warehouses and Distribution Centers

Over the next five years, nearly 9 out of every 10 distribution centers and warehouse are expected to incorporate voice directed mobile technology to their operations, according to to a survey released recently. And that’s if they aren’t using this technology already. The survey, commissioned by the technology giant Honeywell in conjunction with research group … Read more

Storing Hazardous Materials in Warehouses

Some warehouses in the United States have been given the assignment to store chemicals that can be considered hazardous if not properly handled. This includes chemicals that are nonthreatening, but have the potential to become hazardous under specific conditions. Obviously, warehouse personnel should take steps to assure that these materials are stored properly, that they … Read more

College Course Gives Hands-On Approach to Material Handling

Engineering students at the University of Tennessee are getting a hands-on education on streamlining inventory and reducing delivery times thanks to a generous donation from one of the country’s leading maker of storage bins. Akro-Mils — the Akron, Ohio, based manufacturer of storage and organization products — recently donated $4,700 worth of products to the … Read more

Repeat of Black Friday Shopping Madness? Consumers Aren’t Buying It

Consumers are becoming more wary of Black Friday shopping in which crazed customers scramble for a handful of low-priced “doorbusters”, according to to a new survey. And according to a new survey, many shoppers are warning retailers that they better have their act together this year … or else! Doorbusters Still Important, But …  While … Read more

High Tech Lockers Increase Worker Accountability, Reduce Costs

Operators of a Florida food warehouse have found a way to make workers more accountable and significantly reduce operational costs at the same time. Like many distribution centers, Cheney Brothers uses radio-frequency scanners to track inventory in its Ocala warehouse from the moment it arrived to when it went out the door to be shipped … Read more

Organic Farmer Switches to Plastic Totes to Save Money, Planet

When an organic farm in northern California recently made the switch from wax-coated cardboard boxes to reusable plastic totes, the goal was to try to reduce its carbon footprint in order to help the environment. But the operators of Full Belly Farm ended up saving more than $14,000 per year in packaging costs. Now that’s … Read more