Amazon Puts a Warehouse in the Middle of Manhattan

Warehouses are more commonly found in suburban or rural areas because they can be so massive and they attract an overabundance of giant trucks. However, Amazon has another idea. Focusing more on delivering orders within hours instead of days, Amazon has put a warehouse in the middle of downtown New York City right across the … Read more

Benefits of Foam Pallets for Shipping and Warehousing Applications

Fifty years ago, nearly all pallets were made out of wood. Then came plastic pallets, which offered more flexibility and durability. Today, foam pallets are beginning to displace both wood and plastic pallets as the pallet of choice among warehousing and manufacturing operations worldwide. The reason why has to do with the many benefits of … Read more

Blocked Exits and Overcrowded Storerooms Add Up to Big Trouble for Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree discount store chain has agreed to adhere to a strict set of rules and pay more $825,000 in fines after a federal agency found multiple safety violations at its stores, including blocked emergency exits, obstructed access to exit routes and electrical equipment, and improper material storage. The US Occupational Safety and Health … Read more

Railroad Panel Issues Plan to Alleviate Chicago’s Rail Gridlock

After a two-year study, a blue ribbon committee commissioned by Amtrak finally has issued its plan for relieving rail gridlock in the Chicago region. Thanks to its location at the geographic heart of the nation, Chicago has always been a transportation center. But the amount of rail traffic flowing through the area has increased, slowing … Read more

The Supply Chain in 2016

It isn’t long before we launch into a new year –- 2016. Every year about this time industries reflect on the past year and consider what’s coming up in the New Year. Many experts including those in the supply chain field make predictions and they have done so for 2016. What do they foresee for … Read more

New Type of Scissors Lift Extends Range, Uses

ReachMaster has developed a new type of scissors lift that can operate on rugged surfaces, slopes and other areas that previous were off-limits to these types of equipment.The ReachMaster Scissors lifts on wheels are nothing new. But the ReachMaster Bibilift 26BL is a small scissors lift that is mounted on tracks, like the ones found … Read more