GreenRoad Technologies Offers App That Improves Driver Safety

GreenRoad Technologies is offering an app that helps improve driver behavior and fleet management monitoring for use on a smartphone. The app uses technology within the smartphone including GPS and built-in accelerometers that eliminate the need for a professionally installed telematics device in the vehicle. The technology features patented algorithms to detect how well the … Read more

Pedal to the Metal: Feds Propose Limiting Truck Speeds

No matter how much of a leadfoot truck drivers have, their big rigs would never be able to go faster than 70 mph, according to a proposal unveiled recently by two federal agencies. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have teamed up to support limiting the ability of … Read more

Federal Government Launches Teenage Truck Driver Plan

Does it seem like truck drivers are getting younger and younger? That’s because they are … at least some of them! Qualified teenage drivers are now legally allowed to operate semi-tractor trailers and other commercial trucks nationwide as part of a three-year pilot program that reduces the current age restrictions on truck drivers. The program, … Read more

The Future Arrives: Self-Driving Electric Cars Now a Reality

Could Autonomous Trucks Be Far Behind? Every day seems to bring more and more news about the future of the automotive industry…   Uber will introduce self-driving cars in Pittsburgh within the next few weeks while Singapore introduced driverless taxis this week. Ford has jumped into the fray, promising its customers a fully autonomous vehicle … Read more

Website Advises Young People of their Workplace Rights

Each year, millions of teenagers get their first job. But whether it’s working a fast food restaurant or helping out at a construction site, there are workplace dangers at just about every workplace. Unfortunately, many young workers aren’t aware of their rights under the law — especially their right to work in a safe workplace. … Read more

Now Hear This: ‘OSHA Wants Your Noise Reduction Ideas’

Every year, an estimated 22 million workers risk losing all or part of their hearing as a result of workplace noise hazards. Now two government agencies are turning to a group experts for ideas on how to reduce workplace noise: The workers themselves. “Hear and Now – The Noise Safety Challenge” is a national contest … Read more

Majority of Millennials Are Clueless When It Comes to Changing a Tire

Most young people wouldn’t know what to do if they were to get a flat tire while driving … other than using an app to call for help. According to a survey conducted by Michelin, 52% of teens lack the basic auto repair skills required to change a flat tire. But they aren’t the only … Read more

Securing Loads: Bungee Cords or Ratchet Straps?

Moving a load on the back of a flatbed, pickup, or even in the trunk of your personal car can be tricky. If the load shifts or tips during transport, it could spill or even fall out of your vehicle. And if you can’t see it because your vision is obstructed, you may not even … Read more