How to Clean Up Small Fuel Spills Safely

Workplace accidents involving spilled gasoline, diesel, waste oil, engine fluids, and other potentially explosive fuels can put your employees, products, and workplace at risk. For bigger spills, the best response is to call 911 and have the local fire department handle the situation. But for smaller spills, it may be possible to control the spread of spilled … Read more

Robot Shopping Carts Coming Soon to a Wal-Mart Near You

Wal-Mart has submitted a patent for robotic shopping carts that don’t require you to push them as you shop. Actually, the devices — which apparently resemble “Roomba” style robotic floor sweepers — will fit on the bottom of the retail giant’s existing shopping carts and will automatically guide the carts to follow you around as … Read more

Flying Burritos Now a Reality at Virginia Tech University

In one of the most unlikely business pairings in recent memory, Google’s parent company Alphabet is teaming up with the Chipotle restaurant chain to delivery burritos and other items to college students at Virgina Tech University via pilotless drone. Many businesses, including Google, Wal-Mart, Amazon, and others are experimenting with robotic drones as a way … Read more

Analysis: Seven Amputations Occur Each Day in the US

Improved severe injury reporting requirements among US businesses has revealed a disturbing trend: On an average workday in the US, seven employees suffer amputations of their fingers, toes, hands or other body parts. In 2015, new regulations enacted by the US Department of Labor required US companies to report any serious workplace injury, such as … Read more

This Week’s Bahrns Blog September 2016 Week 3

Here is a special sneak preview of some of the stories you will find coming soon on the Bahrns blog: New reporting requirements have revealed that serious workplace injuries, such as amputations, are more common than previously believed. On average, there are seven amputations per day in the US.  What’s causing these terrible, life-changing injuries? … Read more

Improving Economy Contributed to Increase in 2015 Fatal Truck Accidents

A growing US economy means more trucks on the nation’s highways and roads. Unfortunately, it also means more traffic fatalities involving trucks, according to a new report. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that truck-involved crashes resulting in fatalities increased by 4.4 percent in 2015. And at least part of that increase was attributed … Read more

Wearable Technology Offers Augmented Reality for Warehouse Workers

For years now, high-tech companies like Google, Vuzix, Ubimax, and others have promised that  wearable technology will make our lives better and easier. But how will it actually work? Look no further than a pilot program from global package delivery service DHL to understand the answer. DHL Supply Chain, a subsidiary of the German company … Read more

Cutting Corners with Dock Materials Increases Risk

Anyone who has worked around docks or delivery vans, at some point or another has probably seen some pretty sketchy materials used as dock boards: Cracked and splintery pieces of old plywood, wooden 2X4 beams, and even old metal advertising signs have been used to span the gap between where the dock ends and the … Read more