Heating Bills Too High? Here Are Some Simple Ways to Slash Usage

Right around this time of year, business owners typically get a bad case of “sticker shock” when their winter utility bills start to arrive. Heating massive factories, warehouses, and other facilities can easily roll into the four or even five figures, depending on the size of the facility and the temperature on the thermostat. In … Read more

Wearables Help Make Information Management More Efficient

Wearable products are becoming the rage in consumer electronics. These devices include watches that measure heartbeat as the wearer jogs; devices that help parents track the location of their children or assist people with better posture, etc. Wearables have been used for decades to assist warehouse personnel receive and pass on information. These devices include … Read more

Sears’ Craftsman Sale a Last-Ditch Effort to Stay Afloat

Sears, which practically invented the department store and mail order business, has been struggling to compete with the rise of online retailers like Amazon and others. But last week, in a last gasp effort to keep the company going, the 100+-year-old retailer was forced to divest itself its Craftsman line of tools. Sears Holding Company, … Read more

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Folding Chairs

You need to hold an all-staff meeting to explain new policies being rolled out for the new year. Or your Human Resources needs to brief your employees on your new benefits package. Or you want to reward your workers for doing a great job this year by hosting a social event in the workplace. Where … Read more

Advantages, Disadvantages of a Pick to Voice System

In a previous blog, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a Pick to Light System. In this article we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Pick to Voice or Voice-Directed Picking System. A Pick to Voice a.k.a. Voice Directed Picking System relies on verbal communication between a Warehouse Management System to and … Read more

What to Look for When Buying a New Furniture Dolly

Furniture dollies are one of the simplest pieces of materials handling equipment you can own. They are basically just four wheels and a platform. But there is more to choosing the right furniture dolly than meets the eye. First of all, you want to make sure the furniture dolly you buy is strong enough to … Read more

Blockchain Could Define the Future of Business

If you have been living in a cave for the past several years, you may not be familiar with the term “blockchain”. But companies like big, influential companies like Wal-Mart and Amazon — and even smaller businesses like grocery stores and fast food restaurants — are paying attention to blockchain and are even beginning to … Read more

Advantages, Disadvantages of Pick To Light Systems

The most important part of a warehouse operation is to pick orders and send them out as quickly as possible. Many systems have been used to achieve this goal. These solutions include: ·      Pick to Light ·      Voice Directed ·      Hybrid (a combination of light and voice) ·      Carousels ·      Mini-Load AS/RS ·      Unit Load … Read more