LYON Lockers is well known for offering wide range of lockers which targeted almost all industries and businesses. LYON offers lockers that are ideal for corporate offices, manufacturing industries, healthcare industries, as well as sport gear. There are also LYON Lockers that complies with he ADA protocols and can cater for the needs of PWD (People with Disabilities).
LYONS manufactures traditional tiered lockers, angled-top lockers, louver-free lockers and 16-people LockeRack Locker system. These lockers are made with 24-gauge steel that is reinforced with enamel coating for additional protection from natural elements. LYON Lockers feature blind rivet construction for a sleek, more contemporary look. These lockers also have close-base features, recessed handles, built in lock, solid loop hinge, quiet door operation and coated wall hooks.
LYONS also offers one-of-a-kind slanted top lockers which is available in 30 different colors and sizes. LYON recommends that this type of locker must be wall or floor anchored for safety purposes. LYONS also carries locker accessories such as locker number plate. This plate is made with aluminum and is etched with black letters and numbers that range from 1 to 100.